You may have heard Alpine Kat’s incredibly awesome rap about the Large Hadron Collider:
But did you know that there is also a response rap? Yep, the guys at Fermilab just couldn’t let the LHC get all the attention. Or, at least their friends over at Nerdcore couldn’t.
And Alpine Kat isn’t the only one singing at CERN. Long before filk music was an internet sensation, this venerable institution had its very own doo-wop style group: Les Horribles Cernettes.
Incidentally, we should all be aware of Les Horribles Cernettes already – believe it or not, their image was the first photograph on the World Wide Web. Tim Berners-Lee, the creator of the web, scanned a snapshot of the Cernettes at their 1992 performance for the CERN Hardronic Music Festival and uploaded it to his new “information mesh”.
Clik here to view.

This picture of Les Horribles Cernettes was the first photographic image published on the World Wide Web in 1992.
From left to right: Angela Higney, Michele de Gennaro, Colette Marx-Neilsen, Lynn Veronneau.
Sadly, the group disbanded in 2012 after a farewell performance that reportedly rocked the house down.
Singing about CERN and its accomplishments isn’t the only musical extravaganza going on at CERN. Scientists with a musical bent have done some amazing work reinterpreting their scientific data into beautiful melodies.
This gorgeous reinterpretation of each data point collected during the Higgs Boson ATLAS Experiment at the Large Hadron Collider was created by particle physicist Domenico Vicinanz.
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